Lenten Soup & Study starting March 11, 2025
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Organist/Music Director Position Available
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church seeks an Organist and Music Director to lead our superior music program. This part time position works directly with the Rector to create an inclusive and inspirational music program that enhances liturgy and worship and engages the congregation.
Read the detailed job description here.
To apply please send your resume with cover letter and at least 2 references to the Rev. Lauren McLeavey: .
Dear Friends in Christ,
I hope you are having a blessed and prayerful journey through Lent. Lent is an old word that means “Spring.” In the ancient church the 40 days in Spring before Easter was the time when new converts to the faith would pray, reflect, and learn about Christianity. They would then be baptized on Easter and be accepted as full members of the Church. We kept the word, Lent, but many of the other practices have changed, and that is just fine. Traditions change over time, but Jesus’ message of hope, love, and caring for each other remains the same.
God is always working in the world and through us, we just have to see it and adapt. While we spend extra time this Lent praying and reflecting, listen to what God is calling you (and us) to be. How can we grow into the person and Church that God wants us to be?
I have a reflection to share which is wonderful to ponder for Lent. It comes from Desmond Tutu’s book “An African Prayer Book.” This is a collection of spiritual writings from all over the African continent as well as the African Diaspora.
For your blessing we thank you God: faith in you.
Increase it, we beg, so that we no longer doubt.
Drive out all our miserliness, so that we do not refuse you anything.
Increase our faith, for the sake of those with only a little.
Fill our bodies with faith, our bodies that work for you all our days.
Help us to avoid the enemies of our faith, or to overcome them.
You are with us in confrontations; this we believe.
In your hands we place ourselves, and are secure.
Make haste to enter our hearts; make haste.
~Masai, Tanzania~
Peace and Blessings to all of you and very Holy Lent as well.
Yours in Christ,
Mo. Lauren
The Rev. Lauren T. McLeavey
In-Person Services:
Sundays at 8:00am. Holy Eucharist.
Sundays at 10:00am. Holy Eucharist.
Online Services:
Sundays, 10am - Online Eucharist
On Zoom:
Meeting ID: 845 1563 2737
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
On YouTube Live:
News and Events
Sunday School & Youth Group
Sundays at 10:00am September-June
Registration is Ongoing
Click here for the Registration Form.
Questions? Contact Rhonda Fay, Children & Youth Ministries at
Paper & Personal Care Pantry at Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Low-income seniors, persons enrolled in SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and others will be able to obtain items such as paper towels, toilet tissue, bar soap, laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. The pantry is open on the first Thursday of each month, 4:15pm-6pm. First-timers to the pantry need to bring this referral form signed by one of the authorized referring organizations listed. For more info, contact the Lutheran Church office (516) 767-0603 or .
Laundry Love is a partnership of the Port Washington Clergy Association.
The organization helps to wash the clothes and bedding of low-income families.
This event takes place on the third Thursday of the month.
Click here for more information
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