In-Person Services:
Sundays at 8:00am. Holy Eucharist.
Sundays at 10:00am. Holy Eucharist.
Online Services:
Sundays, 10am - Online Eucharist
On Zoom:
Meeting ID: 845 1563 2737
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
On YouTube Live:
Dear Friends in Christ,
As I write this letter, Advent is in full swing, a short, yet very important, although often overlooked season in the Church. As Christians, we have two major feasts, Easter, when we celebrate the Resurrection, and Christmas, when we celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus. The joy of Christmas is that God gives us the gift of Godself in the form of Jesus. God sent Jesus to us to share in our humanity so that we could share in His divinity and thus pass this divinity on to others. We honor this gift by honoring Jesus’ command to love one another. By welcoming the joy of Jesus into our hearts, we take on the mission Jesus gives to us.
Advent is sometimes referred to as a “mini-Lent,” because the tone of the music and service is more somber leading up to the celebration of Christmas. While Advent is a season of waiting, it is a season of joyful waiting. Waiting for our Lord’s birth! Join us for the family service and the Miracle of Christmas Orchestra as well as a string quartet at our late service (now at 8:45pm!). It is going to be a wonderful Christmas Eve.
Advent is a season to reflect upon what the coming of the Christ child means to us and to the world. Mary was called by God to bear Jesus into the world, not a small task. Joseph was called by God to help Mary raise the child, to care for them and keep them safe from danger. How is God calling you during this season of waiting?
The Christmas Season is about love, joy, birth, and rebirth. Let’s carry these themes on into 2025 as we serve God in all aspects of our lives.
I wish you and yours a very safe and Merry Christmas,
Yours in Christ,
Mo. Lauren
The Rev. Lauren T. McLeavey
News and Events
Sunday School & Youth Group
Sundays at 10:00am September-June
Registration is Ongoing
Click here for the Registration Form.
Questions? Contact Rhonda Fay, Children & Youth Ministries at
Paper & Personal Care Pantry at Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Low-income seniors, persons enrolled in SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and others will be able to obtain items such as paper towels, toilet tissue, bar soap, laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. The pantry is open on the first Thursday of each month, 4:15pm-6pm. First-timers to the pantry need to bring this referral form signed by one of the authorized referring organizations listed. For more info, contact the Lutheran Church office (516) 767-0603 or .
Laundry Love is a partnership of the Port Washington Clergy Association.
The organization helps to wash the clothes and bedding of low-income families.
This event takes place on the third Thursday of the month.
Click here for more information
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