• steps waving  Join Us Sunday

      8:00 am:     Eucharist

    10:00 am:     Choral Eucharist &                                                             Sunday School

  • music-chiorOur Music Program and Concerts

    Wonderful Worship!

    Join us for great worship at our 10am Sunday Services.

    We have a fantastic choir, four superb soloists and hugely talented Music Director, Thomas Fierro.


  • StStephensYouthGroup Thanksgiving DriveBuilding a Better
    Community Through Outreach

    We are committed to making Christ’s love known in our community.

    It is our mission is to serve spiritual and physical needs both locally and throughout the world.

Dear Friends in Christ,

We are in the middle of Epiphany and heading straight towards Lent. The season of Epiphany is short, yet very important. In it, we read stories of great epiphanies, which are life changing realizations. They are those moments when you say “a-ha” or “By George I think I got it!” In these stories, we read about the realizations that people had regarding God and Jesus that led them to great service in His name. Many of our disciples and saints were just ordinary (also very flawed) human beings who at some point or another had an Epiphany and then did something great.

We are similarly called in our lives. We can’t all be great saints of the church, but we can do whatever we are able to do to serve God in our lives. I invite you all to ponder what epiphanies you have had in your lives and how you can turn those realizations into service for God in the world.

Lent starts in March! It is late this year, March 5th. I am so excited to attend the Pancake Dinner for Shrove Tuesday on Sunday March 2nd, and I hope you can join us for that and the Lenten Soup and Study (details below). Lent is a wonderful season, a time when we are to renew our commitment to God and Jesus’ mission in the world. We do this through fasting, prayer, education, and personal reflection. This does not have to be a dour and miserable time (as we sometimes think Lent to be), rather a quiet, reflective time, and there can be much joy in that as well. We give things up or add things (like daily prayer) during Lent in order to bring ourselves closer to God and deepen our faith. Therefore, if you are going to do something extra for Lent, really pray about why you are doing it and how it will bring you closer to God.

We have a lot going on around here, and I am so pleased! Many blessings be upon you and your families.

Yours in Christ,

Mo. Lauren

The Rev. Lauren T. McLeavey


In-Person Services:

Sundays at 8:00am.  Holy Eucharist.
Sundays at 10:00am.  Holy Eucharist.

Online Services:

Sundays, 10am - Online Eucharist

On Zoom:
Meeting ID: 845 1563 2737

One tap mobile:
+19292056099,,84515632737# US (New York)
Dial by your location:
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

On YouTube Live:

News and Events

Paper & Personal Care Pantry at Lutheran Church of Our Savior

Low-income seniors, persons enrolled in SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and others will be able to obtain items such as paper towels, toilet tissue, bar soap, laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. The pantry is open on the first Thursday of each month, 4:15pm-6pm. First-timers to the pantry need to bring this referral form signed by one of the authorized referring organizations listed.  For more info, contact the Lutheran Church office (516) 767-0603 or .

Laundry Love is a partnership of the Port Washington Clergy Association.
The organization helps to wash the clothes and bedding of low-income families.
This event takes place on the third Thursday of the month.
Click here for more information
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