Dear Friends in Christ,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas season. All of our special services were wonderful and well attended. Thank you to everyone who helped make the Christmas season special this year. We are now in the season of Epiphany. In this short season we read different stories about epiphanies (great realizations), specifically about Jesus’ mission/identity. This is a great season to ponder the greatness of God’s incarnation before we prepare for Lent and the sacrifice that is to come.
Our Annual Meeting is coming up on Jan. 19th (snow date Jan. 26th) and it will be held in person and over Zoom. (hybrid format, log in to the 10am service and stay on for the meeting.) St. Stephen’s has gone through a lot of changes in the last few years, now is the time to settle in and make plans for a sustainable future. What mission does God call St. Stephen’s to in our community? How can you help with that mission? This is OUR church for God and everyone should participate as they are able. We are disciples of Jesus and we are to serve Christ in the world as a unit. How can we do this in new and interesting ways while keeping our traditions alive? These are all things to ponder over the next few weeks. On Jan. 19th we will be electing new leaders and I will be putting out a call for participation from you in the life of the parish.
How will you answer that call?
Peace and Blessings to all of you!
Yours in Christ,
Mo. Lauren
The Rev. Lauren T. McLeavey
In-Person Services:
Sundays at 8:00am. Holy Eucharist.
Sundays at 10:00am. Holy Eucharist.
Online Services:
Sundays, 10am - Online Eucharist
On Zoom:
Meeting ID: 845 1563 2737
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
On YouTube Live:
News and Events
Sunday School & Youth Group
Sundays at 10:00am September-June
Registration is Ongoing
Click here for the Registration Form.
Questions? Contact Rhonda Fay, Children & Youth Ministries at
Paper & Personal Care Pantry at Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Low-income seniors, persons enrolled in SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and others will be able to obtain items such as paper towels, toilet tissue, bar soap, laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. The pantry is open on the first Thursday of each month, 4:15pm-6pm. First-timers to the pantry need to bring this referral form signed by one of the authorized referring organizations listed. For more info, contact the Lutheran Church office (516) 767-0603 or .
Laundry Love is a partnership of the Port Washington Clergy Association.
The organization helps to wash the clothes and bedding of low-income families.
This event takes place on the third Thursday of the month.
Click here for more information
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