Fullness of Life

'I have come so that you may have life to the full...' John 10:10

Fullness of Life is a Christian Discipleship and Evangelistic course aimed at promoting spiritual growth.

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Each year we run this course written by our Rector, Rev Stuart Huntley in 2009.

In 2014, the course was selected by the Anglican Communion to be part of its online resources for the Bible in the Life of the Church Project.

It is available on Kindle:
or on the Anglican Communion Website:

Using imaginative narratives from different biblical characters we explore FULLNESS of LIFE by looking at what it meant for God’s son to be born among us as we look at his PRESENCE, we will then think about the problems of PAIN and suffering in the world and how God reveals his compassion, and move on to how God being with us should spur us on to PROGRESS in our walk of faith.
We will look at Christ’s PASSION and contemplate on the love that took Jesus to the cross and consider our own passion towards God and our neighbours. Before Jesus ascended into heaven he promised us the Holy Spirit and we will look at how the Spirit equips us to fully live out joyous and free lives in the POWER of God and Jesus encourages us to PROCLAIM the good news of the kingdom of God and help others to have a life lived fully.We use stories from Zacchaeus, Jairus, Peter, Paul, Silas and Mary as well as our own!

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ…